Design Sense Services

Will participates in a number of activities, all directed towards the main goal of education, and geared specifically towards people not familiar with the design professions. All have in common a positive, co-operative approach with the goal of respect for all parties involved; his experience has taught him that the best solutions are win/win. Services can be custom tailored to individual needs, but generally fall into the following categories:


Most speaking engagements include slides as a clear means of illustrating concepts and principals by using examples with which people are familiar. Presentations are as jargon-free as possible, and can be done as a single lecture, or as a part of a larger program. Will enjoys making presentations to groups of all ages, and usual duration is 50-90 minutes. Normally question and answer periods follow.


Clear, concise design, program and concept review of projects of various sizes is a frequent request. Will has advised various corporate officers, design review boards, and individuals, offering advice on how to evaluate different kinds of proposals or offerings. Working within the financial realities and time limitations, often design suggestions can be made that move a project forward.


Specific instruction in things as basic as reading and understanding drawings are a part of the services Will offers and enjoys. He draws on his years of experience for all his work, and when participants are better served by additional expertise, he brings in experts from his wide range of contacts.